Christian T. Covington
About Me
I am a third-year PhD student in Biostatistics at Harvard University advised by Jeff Miller. I am interested primarily in issues related to model misspecification and representing uncertainty due to model selection/specification.
I spent my first two years of college at the Eastman School of Music studying percussion performance. I then transferred to Cornell University and graduated in 2016 with B.A. in Statistical Science. After graduating, I worked for a few years in various capacities doing computational research in social science, medicine, and biology before getting my introduction to data privacy as a research fellow with the Harvard University Privacy Tools Project. From 2020-2022, I was a student in the MMath Computer Science program at the University of Waterloo where I was advised by Xi He and Gautam Kamath.
- Bayesian model criticism using uniform parametrization checks
Christian Covington, Jeff Miller
- Presented poster at Columbia University Optimization and Statistical Learning Workshop (2025)
- Presented poster at Columbia University Optimization and Statistical Learning Workshop (2025)
- Unbiased Statistical Estimation and Valid Confidence Intervals Under Differential Privacy
Christian Covington, Xi He, James Honaker, Gautam Kamath
Statistica Sinica: Special Issue on Data Privacy (2025)
- Presented at Social Statistics Speed Session at the Joint Statistical Meetings (2021)
- Presented poster at ICML Theory and Practice of Differential Privacy Workshop (2021)
[Article] [Supplement]
Patient experiences of integrated care in Medicare accountable care organizations and Medicare Advantage versus traditional fee-for-service
Molly Frean, Christian Covington, Maike Tietschert, Hassina Bahadurzada, Jodi So, Sara J Singer
Medical Care (2021)
[Article] -
Differences in patient perceptions of integrated care among black, hispanic, and white Medicare beneficiaries
Emilia J Ling, Molly Frean, Jody So, Maike Tietschert, Nancy Song, Christian Covington, Hassina Bahadurazada, Sonia Khurana, Luis Garcia, Sara J Singer
Health Services Research (2021)
[Article] -
Variation in Patients’ Perceptions of Integrated Care Among Medicare Beneficiaries By Level of Need
Nancy Song, Molly Frean, Christian Covington, Maike Tietschert, Emilia Ling, Hassina Bahadurzada, Michaela Kerrissey, Mark Friedberg, Sara J Singer
Academy Health Annual Research Meeting (2019)
[Poster] - Invertible Promoters Mediate Bacterial Phase Variation, Antibiotic Resistance, and Host Adaptation in the Gut
Xiaofang Jiang, A. Brantley Hall, Timothy D. Arthur, Damian R. Plichta, Christian T. Covington, Mathilde Poyet, Jessica Crothers, Peter L. Moses, Andrew C. Tolonen, Hera Vlamakis, Eric J. Alm, Ramnik J. Xavier
Science (2019)
Teaching Assistant
- BST 240 Probability II: Fall 2024
- BST 210 Applied Regression Analysis: Fall 2023
- Former developer for OpenDP and SmartNoise
Google Scholar
Semantic Scholar